Parshas Vayishlach.
This weekly parsha begins with Yaakov's meeting with Eisav. Yaakov, on his
way back to eretz Yisroel (the
It is necessary to ask a few questions. First, why was Yaakov so
frightened? In fact he was an extremely strong man, as we saw in the previous
chapter. He was able to move alone a stone which was heavy enough to require
the combined efforts of all the shepherds together to push it. His sons also
possessed enormous power. Later in this parsha we learn that just two of them
alone (Shimon and Levi) were successful in fighting against the entire city of
It is known that "Maasei Avos – Siman Lebanim" – what occurred to
the patriarchs is a sign to their descendents. There are many parallels between
the lives of our forefathers and the events that later happened to our people.
(Ramban in the commentary on Bereishis brings many examples of this, see for
example Ramban on Bereishis 12:6; the GR”A on Tikuney Zohar Chadash, 80c). One
of the reasons for this is that our forefathers were like roots of a tree,
while we are like branches of this same tree[1].
Another reason is so that the future events will become firmly fixed. Even
though some prophesies are conditional, those prophesies that had a sign given
will definitely be fulfilled[2].
Similarly, the lives of our fathers were a sign for their children, and they
firmly established what will happen to the later generations[3].
Similarly the beginning of this week’s parsha serves as a guide for the
behavior of a Jew in Golus (exile)[4]. Our
sages used to study this Parsha before they went to meet with representatives
of the Roman government (see Ramban 33:15, Bereishis Raba 78:15).
At first glance, Yaakov's reaction to Eisav’s threat seems exaggerated. The
Maggid of Dubno explains what had occurred by means of the following parable. A
king had a close friend in a remote city. In this city there was no doctor but
if the king’s friend fell ill, the king would send to him the court doctor.
Once, many people became very ill in that city. Though the close friend only
sneezed a little, but did not really feel bad, he began to groan, as though he
had strong pain. His family who knew, that he is not sick were surprised. He
told them: "Do you think that I suffer strongly? I suffer for others, so
that a doctor is sent who will cure the other patients."
Similarly, writes the Maggid of Dubno, Yaakov knew that his meeting with
Eisav will set a precedent in history for the meetings of our people with the
descendants Eisav. He knew that in the subsequent history, our people will not
always deserve help from Hashem. Therefore he prepared the salvation back then,
through his prayers and his merits. Moreover, during our journey thru history
we will not always deserve open miracles, but there is a reliable way to be
rescued from the anger of the nations - bribes. As we see, Yaakov did not even
send Eisav so much[5]. However,
he made a big pomp, with many envoys, one after another, at a distance from
each other. This is a part of human nature - many small actions have a greater
effect than one big one[6].
In reality, Yaakov did not wish to give the wicked Eisav too much.
Righteous people value their property, which they earn honestly. All their
possessions are sanctified and very dear to them[7]. For
this reason, Yakov sent Eisav only the minimum gift needed to flatter him.
Initially, when Yaakov sent his message, he hoped that Eisav would leave
him alone, when he saw how Hashem had blessed him. The Maggid of Dubno explains
this by the following parable. A poor man once went to other country to earn
some money. His business was not going too well, and he already decided to go
back home with empty hands. Then, all of the sudden a huge opportunity suddenly
turned up, and he earned a million dollars! When he returned everybody thought
that he is an ingenious businessman. But when he told them how he made this
money, they all recognized that the Creator has made a miracle for him!
Similarly Yaakov did not earn even a penny during the first 14 years of work.
Only in the last years he suddenly grew fabulously rich. According to the
Maggid, Yakov was telling Eisav: "Do not be angry at me. I have earned
nothing. Only in the end, the Creator has suddenly sent me his blessing."
Rashi (32:5) writes another very interesting explanation regarding the
message that Yaakov sent to Eisav. He said: “Even though I lived (garti) with
the wicked Lavan, I kept 613 commandments[8]. I
did not learn from Lavan’s evil ways.” Rav Elchonan Wasserman quotes the
Chofetz Chaim that Yaakov was actually admitting his lack of accomplishment: “I
did not learn how to serve Hashem with the same diligence as Lavan commits his
sins!” We should learn from the sinners! We should imitate their tremendous
industriousness when they conduct dishonest businesses. Look at how much energy
they put into seeking entertainment; in pursuing the forbidden? They often give
up on their sleep for the sake of night pleasures! How far could we progress if
we would only try to imitate them in their energetic ways, if we put as much
vigor and strength into serving Hashem? We would then certainly deserve a
speedy redemption and the coming of Moshiach!
[1] This is why the Torah often seems to be describing so many details about the exact lives of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.
[3] We
will bring just a few examples. Avraham's first stop as he entered the
Since there was famine in
the land, Avraham descended to
During Yaakov’s sojourn with Lavan, many other hints regarding the Egyptian exile were revealed. Yaakov came with nothing but left very rich, while Lavan became impoverished. Yakov’s wealth was due to working with sticks to influence the birth patterns of the flock (regarding the hints of the sticks look in our commentary to the previous parsha). Similarly, the Jewish people descended during the famine, and came out rich, taking away all Egyptian wealth, as mandated by Hashem. The wealth the Jewish people acquired was due to the stick used by Moshe to punish the Egyptians. Lavan only found out about Yaakov’s leaving three days later, and he reached him on the seventh day, but was prevented by Hashem from harming Yaakov. So too, Pharaoh decided to pursue the Jewish people on the third day, reached them on the seventh day, but his army was drowned in the see after Moshe used his staff.
The four kingdoms that
Avraham had to fight against (see Bereishis, chapter 14) are a hint to the four
kingdoms that would oppress Jewish people:
[5] Similarly, during World War II, the only successful way of dealing with the Nazis was through bribery. Thousands of people were saved by Rabbeinu Weismandel in this manner. The bribes were not even that large, only tens of thousands of dollars. If the Jewish people in free countries had supplied him with more money, he would have been able to save many more Jewish lives (see Sefer Min Hametzar).
[6] This principle can be used in developing one’s good qualities. For example, giving a dollar 100 times to tzedaka is better than giving $100 once. Constant giving accustoms the person to generosity.
[7] Our sages learn this principle from this week’s parsha. It is described that Yakov remained alone at night. The Talmud (Chulin 91a) teaches, that he returned to pick up some utensils, which were forgotten during the crossing of a small river. Losing even inexpensive things would be a loss to him.
[8] The word “garti” has the same letters as “Tar’yag” – 613.