Parshas Matos.
The laws of vows and swearing.
One should avoid swearing and making vows whenever possible. Moreover, any
promise to do a mitzva of any kind can be considered a vow, therefore the one
promising something should say “Bli Neder” – “without vow”. Similarly if one is
going to start doing a non-obligatory mitzva, he should say in the beginning
that he is not accepting on himself to do it all his life, but will be doing it
“Bli Neder” while he can. For instance, if one decided to pray at the sunrise,
or follow some strict opinion on some law, while others follow a lenient one,
he should say that he is not taking on the vow but will do it “Bli Neder”.
It happens sometimes that in a dangerous situation people swear to Almighty,
that they will take on an additional mitzva or will give a considerable sum to tzedoko
if they get out safely. We should be very careful to keep our oaths for the
punishment for not keeping them is very strict. There was a story about a
Polish Jew, who happened to be in
In most Torah laws, a boy of thirteen is considered a grown-up man, and a
twelve year old girl – an adult woman (according to Talmud, the woman was given
a greater understanding). As for the laws of oaths, if the child understands
whom he is swearing, his vow will be counted, even if he is a year younger from
the grown-up age.
Some vows could be cancelled with the help of three men (Jewish court), if one
regrets having made the vow. The laws of
such cancellation and about which vows can be canceled, are rather complex, and
one should always consult a Rabbi. Some of his daughter’s vows can be cancelled
by her father, and some of the wife’s – by her husband, but only on the day
when they have been heard. If you are not sure, if a particular vow can be
cancelled, cancel it just in case by saying: “This vow is annulled”, and later
on you can consult your Rabbi to find out, if this particular vow could be
The laws of immersing non-Jewish dishes in the Mikvah.
Every time we buy dishes produced by a non-Jewish maker, or when the dishes
have been produced by Jews but are sold by a non-Jew, we need to immerse them
in the Mikvah (or in a lake, sea or ocean). These laws concern only those dishes
made from metal or glass and used for cooking. If a wooden dish contains some
metallic parts or partially covered with a glass layer, one should consult a Rabbi.
Also, in cases of electrical appliances, having direct contact with food (i.e.
toasters), one should consult a Rabbi about the way to immerse them without
If we buy foods or drinks in disposable packs (i.e. milk bottles, coffee glass
cans), and are going to be using the can after the product has been finished,
we need to immerse the package. If one is eating in a house of a non-religious
Jew, even though the food served is kosher, he can’t use the dishes that have
not been immersed. On the other hand, one can eat uncooked fruit from a dish
belonging to a non-Jew because the non-Jew is not required to immerse his
Before immersing the dish one should remove all tags and labels that prevent the
water from coming in contact with the whole surface of the dish (the law is the
same as with a woman in the Mikvah). One recites the blessing and immerses the
whole dish in the water. The hand holding the vessel needs to be wet so that the
water will come in contact with the dish even between our fingers.